The Community Room is available for rental.

TOWN OF TALKING ROCK TOWN CODE PDF file opens in new window

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PDF file opens in new window
The mayor and council, in the exercise of its police power, wishes to permit, but not promote, the sale of malt beverages, wines, and distilled spirits, in the incorporated city limits, this being necessary for the effective regulation and control of the sale of those alcoholic beverages and for the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the town. It is the further intent of the mayor and council, through the licensing and regulation of the sale of alcoholic beverages, to protect property values and individual rights of the citizens and to prevent the sale of alcoholic beverages from being an undesirable intrusion on the rights of the citizens of the town and to raise sufficient revenues to cover the costs of licensing, regulating and policing the sales of alcoholic beverages within the town limits.

MUNICIPAL COURT PDF file opens in new window
An ordinances to amend the Code of The Town of Talking Rock, Georgia, to provide for the operation of its Municipal Court.


Notice of Call of 2025 Town of Talking Rock General Municipal Election and Notice of Qualifying Period for 2025 Town of Talking Rock General Municipal Election

The Pickens County Board of Elections & Registration, will conduct a General Election on Tuesday, November 4, 2025, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of electing the following:

(A) The office of Town Councilmember of the Town of Talking Rock, Georgia, being Post 1, which will be elected at large for a term of four (4) years beginning on or about January 1, 2026, through December 31, 2029, with the incumbent Caleb Gay.

(B) The office of Town Councilmember of the Town of Talking Rock, Georgia, being Post 2, which will be elected at large for a term of four (4) years beginning on or about January 1, 2026, through December 31, 2029, with the incumbent being Anthony Hawf.

(C) The office of Town Councilmember of the Town of Talking Rock, Georgia, being Post 4, which will be elected at large for a term of four (4) years beginning on or about January 1, 2026, through December 31, 2029, with the incumbent being Darlene O’Connell.

The qualifying period, to qualify for the above offices, shall open on Monday, August 18, 2025, and will continue for three days through Wednesday, August 20, 2025. The hours of qualifying each day shall be from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

The qualifying fee for each Council seat shall be $2.00. Prospective candidates may qualify at the administrative office of the Pickens County Board of Elections located at 3100 Camp Road, Suite B, Jasper, Georgia 30143. All qualified candidates are encouraged to run.

Advance voting for the election shall begin on Monday, October 14, 2025, and continue until Friday, October 31, 2025, including two Saturday voting days October 18th, 2025 and October 25, 2025. Advance voting will take place at the Pickens County Recreation Department, 1329 Camp Road, Jasper, Georgia 30143. Election Day, November 4, 2025, registered voters from the City of Jasper will vote at their assigned precinct location: Jasper Municipal Court Room, 55 G.G. Lovell Street, Jasper GA 30143.

Governor Kemp has declared a State of Emergency for all 159 counties in Georgia in response to impending Tropical Storm Helene. Find Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency Updates


The Talking Rock Council does hereby announce that the millage rate will be set at a meeting to be held at the Talking Rock Town Hall on September 11, 2024 at 7:00pm and pursuant to the requirements of O.C.G.A. Section 48-5-32 does hereby .publish the following presentation of the current year's tax digest and levy, along with the history of the tax digest and levy for the past five years.

Talking Rock Millage Rate and 5-Year History 2024


Downtown Talking Rock Plan
Larger View


On June 12, 2023 the Talking Rock Council voted to allow the Pickens County Tax Commissioner to collect taxes on behalf of the Town of Talking Rock. Town of Talking Rock residents will only get ONE tax bill this year. It will come from the Pickens County Tax Office and will have both Town of Talking Rock and Pickens County taxes on the bill. The entire bill will be paid to Pickens County and they will reimburse the Town for the Town taxes.


The Town of Talking Rock is looking for bids to renovate and repair the historic schoolhouse located at 5 Old Blairsville Hwy, Talking Rock. For those interested in this project, please contact our Town Clerk to schedule an appointment to have access to the building.

Bids to renovate and repair the historic schoolhouse in Talking Rock All bids can be submitted by mail or in person at the Town Hall located at 4675 HWY 136 W, Talking Rock, GA 30175.

For questions or additional information, please call 706-253-5515 or 785-375-3834.

Town of Talking Rock Finance

2024 Proposed Budget

2023 Approved Budget

2022 Approved Budget


Audit $2,000
Membership Dues $890
Legal Ads $1,245
Office Supplies $2,000
Attorney $5,500
Town Clerk $9,600
Training $1,600
Court Services $1,000
Telephone $1,300
Georgia Power $2,500
Propane $2,560
Water $532
Insurance $6,178
Web Page $1,600
Box Rental / Postage $482
SUBTOTAL $38,987

Street Lights $3,272
Personnel $7,200
Fuel for Truck $120
Property Maintenance $1,500
SUBTOTAL $12,092

Solid Waste Management
Landfill Fee $120
Personnel (Recyclables) $2,400
Dumpster $1,200
Pick Up Service $1,440
Supplies $150

Water $480
Power $1,220
Maintenance $3,307
Personnel $7,200
Fuel for Truck $100
SUBTOTAL $12,307

Maintenance $1,600
Personnel $7,200

Booths (Power) $570
Railroad Lease $400
Chrismtas $1,000
Heritage Days $4,000

Town Equipment
Truck & Gold Cart $1,200

Building & Planning
Advertisement $350
Building Inspection $1,140

TOTAL $86,156

Pay off playground equipment $13,000

Park Improvements $5,000


Audit $4,000
Membership Dues $600
Legal Ads $1,245
Office Supplies $3,500
Attorney $5,500
Town Clerk $6,040
Training $1,600
Telephone $1,300
Georgia Power $1,600
Propane $1,600
Water $462
Insurance $6,178
Web Page $1,000

Street Lights $3,500
Personnel $6,408
Fuel for Truck $120
Property Maintenance $1,100

Solid Waste Management
Landfill Fee $240
Personnel (Recyclables) $1,800
Dumpster $1,200
Pick Up Service $816
Supplies $250

Park Utilities $1,000
Park Maintenance $4,700
Personnel $6,408
Fuel for Truck $100

Supplies $350
Repairs $1,600
Personnel $6,408

Booths (Georgia Power) $400
Railroad Lease $400
Heritage Days $5,500

Town Equipment
Truck & Gold Cart $3,300

TOTAL $79,433

Removal of Dangerous Trees from road right away $6,000
Storm Water and Drainage Improvements $3,500
Park Improvement $10,000